Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dear Future Gang Member.

Yes, this is for you. The one who is highly anticipating or carefully considering the day you join a gang. Or wait, maybe you have already gone through your initiation.
Maybe you are the kid who throws up gang signs in all your Facebook pictures or refuses to wear a certain color....

I wanted you to think about your little sister or someone you would consider very close to you. Now imagine looking down at your phone and getting this text message from her: 

"All 3 of us are fine, but I just want to let y'all know what happened... At about 10:50 last night, we almost died from an attempted carjacking/murder. At a stop sign about 3 blocks from campus, 3 men approached our car, and one pulled a gun and shot at My husband through the window. The bullet entered through the window around his shoulder/elbow, passed through the cab, and hit the interior frame between the windshield & passenger window at about eye level, MIRACULOUSLY missing both of us. (Pieces of the bullet were found by the cops in my seat) it was only by a MIRACLE from GOD that it missed us. My husband has over a hundred tiny cuts over the left side of his face & body, (from the glass exploding) but nothing severe, and his hearing seems normal. I have a few cuts on the left side of my face, and  the baby was untouched. I was VERY shaken (and still am) but we are alive and ok. 

Those are the main details, and ill fill in more later. God was protecting us in every detail, and we are so thankful to be alive. Please pray for us as we process through this emotionally & legally. We love y'all."

Did you catch that? There was a BABY in the car. I have a feeling if this was your sister there would be hell to pay. So why is it ok to do it to mine? Do you so desperately need to be accepted into this organization that you find it worthy of potentially taking someone's life? An innocent person? A person who gives monthly to help kids just like you have the chance at finding a different path? A person who would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it? 

What were you feeling that night when a car approached the stop sign and the two older men sent you towards the car with a gun as they split and walked away? Was it power? Fear? Abandoned? 

You are looking for family? Someone to have your back? Kiddo...that's not gonna meet that void in your life. Family.... Is not the right word. 

At the end of the day everyone is watching his own back and you may wake up one day paying the consequences of not only your actions but everyone else's.  You may think its funny to beat up an innocent kid and get it on video but the scars you are leaving on them inside and out will be on you! 

You see... All this territory, earn you way in, beat your way out, all about you and your boys stuff..... That may make you feel like you belong... For now. But at some point you'll be throwing deuces and you will stand before the ultimate leader. The ultimate judge. And this time... There will be no probation or parole. It's a life sentence ... An eternal sentence. You will answer for what you have done on this earth. 

This is real life. You are living for today for the moment but there is a much bigger picture. 

I don't know what your reason is for wanting that lifestyle. Is it to belong? Because a parent walked out? For protection? Because its all you know? Power? 

I'm sorry if the circumstances of your life, pain of rejection or fear or the lack of role models have pushed you to this place but let me throw you the life jacket before you drown or cause someone else to. 

There is a different way to experience ALL of those things you so deeply desire....His name is Jesus. 

He is the ultimate leader. He is your way out. He is your way in. He offers an army of Angels to protect you. He has more power than you could ever hope to achieve. He has a big family. And here's the kicker...no one has to die for you to be a part of it. That's right.... Because He already has..... For you.

See he knew you would be where you are today long before you got here and he knew the price you would have to pay for the sin that is in you. He loved you so much that he took that sin, wore it, died on a cross in your place. But he came back to life. Many may die for you, but who has been resurrected? 

That is what you call mad love... And he offers you the opportunity to walk in a life of peace in the midst of turmoil, love in the midst of hate, truth in the midst of lies and a true family where people help each other do life one step at a time. 

The bible says: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

You know the crazy part? My sister would welcome you into this family. Because forgiveness lives here. 

You have to choose the path YOU will take. No amount of pressure can MAKE the decision. But I just wanted you to have the facts and know... There is a different path. 

Praying for you.

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