Monday, March 26, 2012

Be Intentional

Having not blogged in 16 days, I almost don't even know where to begin. One of the things about a blog is that unless its anonymous, it's public...for the world to read. As much as I wish I could be completely transparent about the dealings of my heart. It's just not smart or necessary. So, I've kinda taken a social media hiatus as far as it pertains to my life. Hopefully what I can do, is blog about the fruits of that time and some of the results of praying through things.

Something that is on my heart right now is the act of being intentional. It is easy to become comfortable in our everyday lives: be it marriage, friendships, jobs, exercise. If we are not intentional, we will miss the opportunity to sow into those areas which will, in turn, effect the harvest.  If I'm not intentional to spend quality time with my husband, we'll easily slip into a routine and drift apart. If I'm not intentional about washing the dishes or cleaning the house, I'll end up with a mess. If I'm not intentional about calling or emailing friends, in a few months, it will feel awkward. If I'm not intentional about spending time in the Word and prayer, I'll see my attitude and actions start to to reflect that. If I'm not intentional about building relationships with my neighbors or those who don't share  my faith, I'll find myself living in a Christian bubble without influence to those who are desperate to know my Lord and Savior. If I'm not intentional to forgive, I'll harbor bitterness. If I'm not intentional to dream big, I'll live a mediocre life, missing out on how God wants to use me and the huge ways HE can be glorified through it.

Sometimes intention feels exhausting, but what are we without it?

I list all of those examples because I've found my way there in some form or another. I would venture to say we all do at some point if we aren't careful. Last night, Glenn and I had a huge prayer answered. We attended a "City Group" through Renovation Church. A City Group is more than a small group. They are intentional about being a community of Christians in the context of their neighborhood. There is an element of bible study, fellowship, and service. We hit it off with everyone and feel like this is the answer to a 5 month prayer. The house we met at was literally right around the corner from where we live and most of the members live within a 2 mile radius of us. We love being able to serve at Rescue Atlanta and worship at Church at Chapel Hill but the "intentionally doing life with our neighbors" factor was missing due to the nature of where we serve and the distance of where we worship.  The goal would be to do all three together, but due to our unique situation, we believe this is how God has answered our prayer at this time. And we consider ourselves blessed to be involved with three ministries and the people who worship and serve at each of them.

At City Group last night, the Pastor Leonce Crump, read from Romans 10. I want to specifically look at verses 14-15. They are the verses on my heart, calling me to dream, to be intentional, to evaluate.

"But how can they call on Him if they have not put their trust in Him? And how can they put their trust in Him if they have not heard of Him? And how can they hear of Him unless someone tells them? And how can someone tell them if he is not sent? The Holy Writings say, “The feet of those who bring the Good News are beautiful.” (New Life Version)

 How/if and How/Unless = God's Call/Our Answer.

There is a need. There is a response. But the response is going to require us to intentionally do something. Pastor Leonce was essentially asking "Why do we not respond to this? What is holding us back?" (At least that's what I took from it) :)

I made the comment that sometimes I think we give "Evangelism" it's own box in our lives rather than it being something we just are...something we live and breathe. But even that takes some level of intention.  Are we intentionally doing the things necessary to become the person that lives Evangelism? Do we love the Word? Do we love prayer? Do we feel a desperation for the people who don't know God?

Last night we were asked to write down the name of one person who we knew needed a personal relationship with the Lord. We were challenged to pray for them and each day to add another name. We also were challenged to pray about how God might use us to be a part of that process.

You don't have to be an "Evangelist" or a "Minister" to be a witness. Every single occupation out there needs "Beautiful Feet" to "Tell them."

Who is "Them" in your life and how can you start being intentional to reach them?
The response will be different for each of them, but it's important to always revisit the question so we don't become comfortable. 

For His Renown,

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