Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Time Read 3:47am

So I mentioned on my Facebook status the other day that I kept waking up the past few nights at 3:47. I wouldn't have thought much about waking up in the middle of the night because I've had trouble sleeping, but why did I always seem to look at my phone at 3:47 exactly?

So...I tried to look up verses in the bible that were 3:47...there's only two and I knew neither one of them pertained to my situation. That is when a friend of mine suggested I look at 34:7......and Psalms to be exact.

Here is what Psalms 34:7 says: " The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them."

I was dumbfounded....could it be that God kept waking me up at that exact time so I would have an inkling to search his Word for this truth? I believe so. I believe God can use anything He wants to lead us to His truth.

It has been a tough week as much unknown is ahead the coming days. I am a planner and for me...this is stretching me in a serious way to not know what will happen in a few short weeks. What we will be doing, where we will be living, etc. And in the middle of the night when my mind was racing around these things, I believe God was trying to say...... through a stinking clock..."I've got this."

I imagine the Angel of the Lord pitching tents around my life......and because I fear the Lord....I will be rescued - let out of the woods on the right path.

That is comforting.

Our God is creative....and He can and will use ANYTHING to get our attention..
Even a simple clock.

For His Renown,

1 comment:

  1. well now that you got that out of the way :) hope you can sleep tonight :) We are all in your same shoes in more ways then you know. Our God is greater then it all and He WILL take care of us. Not MIGHT take care of us or MAYBE He says He WILL!! Its not always what we are thinking, not always what we are believing for but like you said He's GOT DIS!!! So let Him have it and ride the waves :) Love you!!
